Thursday, February 21, 2008

last week end's outing

the trip to Vanier, Quebec

Starting from L-R: Michelle, Mia, Miguelita and Emma..They picked us up morning of Saturday on a rental jeep ( a seven seater that could climb up, no sweat, a snowy, Kennon road like terrain )

The trip is one of those family re unions with my youngest daughter Bernadette who was married to the Somerville family in Ottawa, Ontario. Ottawa to Vanier is another 1 hour on top of the 6 hour ride from Toronto to Ottawa...

This is the main attraction of Vanier, a ski slope just about 5 mins walk from the Somerville chalet where we lodged for 2 nights. One pays 50$  a day per person just to use the facilities on top of the skis you have to rent for the day...


There is another lesser steep slope just below the other one used by adults. This is where our grandkids learned how to ski. We stood by here for an hour watching them go up by holding on to some contraptions strapped to a constantly moving thingy that looks like a giant clothes line. From the top of the hill you see them whiz down  hoping they wont fall flat on their faces or bump their precious little butts on the snow covered ground.


Two grandmas ( Helen Somerville and Mig Costes ) watching out for the 4 little darlings go up and down with Simon Somerville accompanying them with the exercise...


Now the posing begins: Dillon Somerville with his cousin Emma Forbes..


Peace to you too, Emma...


Chloe Somerville..Smile, baby! One is never too young to go skiing..She is in grade 1 ..


Grandma Mig, all bundled up....


Mia ( "Peanut Butter") all geared up to do some serious skiing...


After that hectic fun outside, the kids did a favorite Filipino indoor thing: KARAOKE SINGING! Dillon and Chloe sharing a couch and a microphone...


Chloe singing her heart out...


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