Saturday, December 19, 2009


Ascending Haleakala..

Emma: "Look up in the sky, it's a bird!.."
Miggie"."It's a Plane!!"
Me: "It's SIOPAW MAN!!!"...

It is so cold up 10,000 ft. above sea level..You got to snuggle as closely as possible...:)

DATELINE MAUI. Dec. 7, Monday..Today is our last full day in Maui. And the best is always reserved for the last.

Marcie went back to work today. She was off ever since Dec. 1st so she can meet us at the airport and bring us around everyday from the 2nd up to the 6th. Rex worked in the Post Office ( it is the busiest season for the Postal workers what with the Christmas cards coming and going and also the letters from kids going to Santa Claus to the North Pole. So on Monday, Dec. 7th it was his turn to bring us around and he selected Haleakala as our destination.

We left our boarding place at around 8:30 am, then we made our first stop at a Station to check the views and visit the bathroom. We checked also how a silversword plant looks like ( there is one in the slide show). It could grow only hereabouts. It is all white ( no chlorophyll) with a long pointed stem that looks indeed like a sword.

Then we proceeded to the mouth of the crater, and tried to get as close as possible to the edge. Those afraid of heights need not dare to peer into its depths. You might get dizzy and just bring out whatever you had for breakfast.

There were also lots of tourists, most of which whom were Japanese. The air is so thin up there that there are several warning signs asking people with bronchial or heart problems not to dare run fast or briskly climb up the ascending lest they would pass out..

The scene has a look of Grand Canyon, although Grand Canyon must be hundred times bigger or colourful.

The government is also constructing an observatory ( and I heard with a satellite tracking station) not far from us. Admittance is restricted for obvious reasons.

For a Hi Def video of the crater, click the following link.A nd watch the video in full screen..

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