Wednesday, October 5, 2011


During the late 50's and early '60s, the Dupac back playground was nothing but Leaves of Grass, to use a title from one poem by Walt Whitman. On a late afternoon, especially during the summer vacation ( from April to June ) the playground was peaceful except maybe for the sounds from a few goats or a cow left there to eat their greens.

Sometimes, my pals and I would meet there and forming a circle we would tell many stories of different subjects, about school and then drifting from one topic to the other.

There was a big mango tree on your right when you face Macalong.The swimming pool was not still there. Under that tree were two outhouses ( toilets ) one for each sex. During those years, the third sex was not fully recognized yet.

During school days, the Janitor would clean the toilet bowls and would leave a big water tank ( an empty gasoline drum ) full of water. During the holidays, well it is a different story. The Janitor would also go on holiday. On one of those idyllic afternoons we were there again, and then I felt the call of nature, a major one. During those days, that was the euphumism to use when you want to piss or make shit. The former is a minor one, the latter is major one.

Well I had to go and it is good I found a clean page of BANNAWAG magazine near the place. So I went inside the cubicle, got adjusted with the smell, then I squatted ( there was no toilet seat ) on the john. So I let go and oh, what a relief! Naturally, I had to use the Bannawag.

NOW comes the funny part of my story. If you are sensitive to privy jokes, all you can do is to click exit and leave. Just a friendly warning message..

So I checked the water tank. Dry as a bone. Okay, I said. Not my fault for not flushing the damned toilet bowl. There was no water.

Then I heard a strange noise from inside the toilet bowl. I went to take a look..Jumpin' Jehosephat! I saw big and red cockroaches which appeared from nowhwere ( maybe inside the u-shaped cavity of the bowl? ) and they started cleaning up my mess!..Geezz, I tell you..I believe that cockroaches will inherit the earth someday after doomsday when all humanity will be wiped out. Because they survive in the worst conditions and they are not picky with the food they eat!

Anyway, I am ending this entry with this bright note on evolution. Next time you feel like squashing a cockroach with your foot, remember his forefathers lived during the beginning of time and his future relatives will survive to the end of time...:)

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