Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Another Box of Delights for Asingan Readers

Check the book on Martial Arts..


2nd layer of books


This is a lucky box..it is going home to the Philippines!


The more popular titles for YP ( Young People ) reading are movie tie-ins, or TV based names like GOOSEBUMPS..Strictly speaking, these are not classics but they provide an incentive   for young  people to exercise their Reading Skills.
I bought an armful of GOOSEBUMP  titles from Goodwill during one of its half price sales..All were read once or maybe twice then parents who found that the books are just eyesores in the living room would pack 'em up to be dropped into the Donation Center..
Then their kids would buy some more books and the cycle restarts again..
The PLAYBOY mags are classics..Maybe they sell these in Manila or Dagupan but the prices would be exorbitant.
But so far, so good..If we can only crank up time so we could make it run faster ..
Possible?..There is a book called THE TIME MACHINE  written by HG Welles told with the premise that it is possible.A copy of the comic book version is inside....

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