Monday, October 1, 2007

The Road of Asingan’s Sun
As I could see the road already paved
No more detours not just tonight
Moonlight flooded road just help to reminiscence
Yes, the  moon immensely helps all right
Hope, promise, desire and trust
Will bring us to something said and reunite
Because of potholes, most of us would diddle
Now some sweet lady will be around freely
Desiring  to spare some time to play
And some other guy holding a fiddle
Intend to swing in his shoulder
An old love song he would start to play
We are all given the right to this road
Please don’t let anybody steer away from it again
Instead let us make everybody a member of
This  nobility...
What shall I say, " What a genial moonlight shine
Upon  the road of Asingan’s sun.."
--By Archie M.
artwork: Vic Costes

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