Monday, September 10, 2007

A Family reunion of a different kind..:)

Dillon and Emma practicing their SUNGKA  skills while Emma's dad Jonathan looks about. Dillon is my grandson ( only one ) with Bernadette. For a weird reason, they love this board game ( or parlor game  if u wanna call it that way) ..I still have to teach all the tricks of the how to completely "kill" your opponent..Its a "bloody" game too, come to think of it..But the kids are addicted to it..


Mia ( Michelle's firstborn ) is doing her homework. Her Mom is watching a Harry Potter. Yes, that's a can of OTAP ( sugar cookies )  which was also a hit with them..


Chloe posing while Michelle is trying to tell her sumpthin'..Chloe is the exact copy of her Mom ( Michelle's younger sis Bernadette ). When Michelle carries her she says "I feel weird. It seems I am carrying Bernadette.."


Dillon playing SUNGKA while hugging the TASMANIAN DEVIL  a gift from Susan V. It is one of the dolls she won from the midway of the CNE 2007....


Mia showing a gift from Susan, a denim skirt. Both of them have the same birthday: August 11...Mia has just started high school in Mayfield one of the outstanding art schools in Ontario..


Bernadette and family ( Simon, Dillon & Chloe ) visited Toronto this week end. One reason is to check out a Virgin concert that took place in Toronto last Saturday & Sunday...

Yep, reunions esp. with grandkids are awesome.

If you have married kids with no kids, tell them to  hurry up making their own little ones.

Now that you are still strong enough to baby sit them..:)

note: Photos were taken with a kind of setting in a Sony digicam. It has a big F-stop, a flash and a longer than usual  exposure time..Use it without a tripod and these are the kinds of pictures  you will get..Weird, man




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