Tuesday, November 20, 2007


The DINNER-DANCE and Induction of Officers was held last November 17, a Saturday at the Embers Banquet Hall & 7 Star Thai Cuisine in Scarborough, Ontario.


We arrived there at about 6:00 pm. The hall was still practically empty. Then I saw my Kumpare Rudy Manuel and his better half, Remedios. Their table is just beside ours. The night is saved!

After a while, the hall started to fill up. The DJ started their thing: an unending medley of oldies done in the same beat, just like the music one hears in many busses plying the Baguio-Manila  route. It was just background music anyway. But they exceeded my expectation when the actual dance began: they played a good combination of modern and traditional (for-the-Seniors kind  ) music mixture. The sound was also just right, it own't bust your ear drums. 

The food was good and generous. You can go back for seconds after everybody had their share.  Surprisingly, one of the salads ( mixed with a sort of pancit guisado)  was quite yummy. But one person jokingly quipped: "Where is the pinapaitan?"


Anyway, here is a batch of photos...

Rudy M., myself, Miguelita and Remedios..


Part of the crowd listening to the speeches. In the foreground is Ely and Barbara Soberano Pascua. She is Cornelia's older sister..


Miguelita..She worked until 5:00 pm, but she came to check out the affair..She was glad she did.


Edgar Guerrero and Miggie..He really could trip the light fantastic, if you know what I mean..:)


Sharing the table with us were: Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Padilla , originally from Ariston. Fernando is about to retire from deHavilland the airplane plant in Missisauga.


Edgar Resulto, one of the advisers with a couple of friends...


Albert Manuel delivering the Presidential speech...

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