Monday, November 5, 2007

from Van, a Pangasinense

Ricky, Mystic, Rain ,Susan-They look beautiful.You know when you see frequent posters' names in the DC board,  you can't help but get curious who are these people  having all the time to spare posting messages that titilate the mind. Uhm mind confusing you might say..

Mean messages sometimes,  and sometimes serious, sometimes friendly:all sorts of emotions are evoked. I do enjoy the DC board even  though I have been forbidden access 3 or 4 times .I take it as funny stuff. Everybody is great out there in the DC.

I know deep in my heart they are outstanding brothers and sisters with   big, big,  big hearts  to the poor fellow  Pangasinenses  we left behind years ago..My warmest kumusta to them even just meeting them in their beautiful profiles in the picture..

Is Susan the "ikit Susing"?Is this  Susan Barbiere who travels a lot and who sent me a CD?.These Pangasinan folks are great and so are you Vic..

Thank you so much again for this Blog page. --#


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