Thursday, January 3, 2008

from my son's Christmas album....



Here are some Christmas and New Year's Eve photos of my son Oliver's family in New Brunswick.   My daughter-in-law Teresa tried to do a photo shoot with the girls dressed in red smiling happily by the Christmas tree but as you can see Audrey had her own ideas of how to pose for the photos.  She was quite the clown!
The photos with the groups of kids are from their New Year's Eve party.  Olivia and her best friend Piper are the two in the centre, and Audrey is with her best friend Sorcha in the one where she's wearing the Sleeping Beauty gown that she got for Christmas.
Audrey is hard at work on Christmas night determined to finish her Elmo workbook before going to bed.
The picture of the kids playing on the snow hill was taken from inside.  Teresa loves how she can stay nice and warm and just watch them out from the kitchen window.
To all my friends and readers, all the best for all of us in 2008 and we're looking forward to our times together this year, whenever they may be!

Olivia with friend, Audrey is the girl in a pink dress...


"...Audrey had her own ideas of how to pose for the photos.  She was quite the clown!..."


Olivia Stanley Costes...


Olivia and younger sister, Audrey..Their dad, my son Oliver, works as an animation artistin N.B.


Christmas lights hurtin' your eyes, Audrey?


Audrey prayin' the boxes will contain the gifts she asked from Santa...


Teresa and Oliver....


Olivia and Company....

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