Friday, June 8, 2007


Hmmn,.........  this is more fascinating than the US presidential debates.  Carry on fellows.  Love it.
#3 Comment from benhursoloria@... - 07/06/07 8:17 AM

Hi Ricky.

I’m not much into pure math as my line is on the applied variety, i.e. numerical methods and finite elements, but I know enough of Fibonacci to say that I can use it to generate pythagorean triplets. What I really need to know is how that pyramidal surface is related to this mystical sequence. Thanks again…

#2 Comment from masicampoboy - 07/06/07 12:09 AM

Sonny, I will try and humor you and leave you with a very mathematical answer since you seem to know your math quite well. But please note that not everyone has taken my "mathology" in stride. And I'm sure I'll hear more flack on this later on. ---- Fibonacci numbers: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,.. start with two small squares of size 1 next to each other. On top of both of these draw a square of size 2 (=1+1). Now draw a new square - touching both a unit square and the latest square of side 2 - so having sides 3 units long; and then another touching both the 2-square and the 3-square (which has sides of 5 units). Continue adding squares around the picture, each new square having a side whichis as long as the sum of the latest two square's sides. This set will produce the Fibonacci series. The spiral is not a true mathematical spiral (since it is made up of fragments which are parts of circles and does not go on getting smaller and smaller) but it is a good approximation to a kind of spiral that does appear often in nature. Such spirals are seen in the shape of shells of snails and sea shells. The spiral-in-the-squares makes a line from the centre of the spiral increase by a factor of the golden number in each square. So points on the spiral are 1.618 times as far from the centre after a quarter-turn. In a whole turn the points on a radius out from the center are 1.6184 = 6.854 times further out than when the curve last crossed the same radial line.
#1 Comment from rickytagamanaoag -
Simply smashing Manong can you and Manang Miguelita come to our house and do the landscaping? ...hahahahah
#1 Comment from britishempress
Sure !!!!!  As long as we stay in your house for free..:)

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