Wednesday, June 13, 2007

from the AJ archives

A comment on local politics by Longwaybye

-now that another Election has just been finished-

I think the Philippines will be a tiger economy too, eventually. What’s frustrating is it will take a long time.

When it could be faster. The powers that be are one reason. For those of us who still are debating whether the politicians are really crooked or not, we just have to look.
Surely we should have been better off if they were really serious public servants.
It is that simple. Plant a seed and care for it, and it will grow and bear fruit.

If it doesnt bear fruit, you didnt plant one, or didnt care for it. Cut the crap about soil conditions and typhoons etc. We can only blame extraneous factors for so many times...

I sometimes wonder why it is hard for us to see that corruption is there. Why it is difficult to see the power play and the tit-for-tat collusion among the powers that be.

Why do we praise the mayor for beautifying the plaza, like he has done a great job? When it is his duty to do so? And then we feel we are indebted to him...when anybody could have done the job with the money at his disposal? Sometimes I think we are very gullible!

...Good job mayor! but dont expect that since you made the plaza clean and green you can now steal public funds, and use influence and lord it over us. It is our money and any man even a half-wit can use the money to hire people and buy trees and garbage cans...

...My blood pressure is climbing up. We do have a long way to go towards being a tiger economy....


I never learned Longwaybye's real name although he sent me several good pieces for my Blog. Thank you, where ever you are now..

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