Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Meanwhile, back at the Ranch

( Miguelita's Garden i.e. )

HIS & HERS- The hammock is mine, that's where I while some hours flat on my back, thinking of ideas ( my thinking spot ). The container is Miguelita's where she pours out her creativity in planting..


LU-PINE..Emma once told me "It is pronounced Lu-pine, not lu-peen.." "Yeah? Who told you," I asked her. "Well, my teacher was telling me this story of this Librarian who wanted to make the world a better place so she went around scattering seeds of Lupine. Then the seeds became plants. And that is how she made the world a better place.."

"Smart kid," I said silently.."I did not even read that story yet.."

A LUPINE of a different color, I mean colour....:)


FINAL RESTING SPOT..The restless pixie has finally found her resting spot. A stump given to us by a neighbour who lived across the street. This bower like spot is found in our front garden..


CLOSE UP of the pixie. Susan called it her alter ego.


UP THE ROOFTOP is a lone baby bird, chirping continously calling for her Mama.  It is Mama's tough love. If she does not leave her baby alone, she won't ever learn how to fly...


THIS ONE'S FOR THE BIRDS. I bought this porcelain bird feeder ( same place where I bought the Pixie ) but I wanted to use it as a bird bath. The birds feed on the lawn anyway where I scatter the rice scraps. Up to this day, I never saw a single bird take one bath there..


A TABLE FOR SIX ..I bought this hexagonal picnic table for  $20 from a garage sale near my house last year.  Recently we moved it under this apple tree which I planted years ago. Then a friend of ours told us the same table, brand new, is sold at the HOME DEPOT for $199. Sometimes, it pays to shop at garage sales..:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Simply smashing Manong Vic...now can you and Manang Miguelita come to our house and do the landscaping? ...hahahahah